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Are spoilers damaging?

Graeme McMillan asks a very good question about the damage that spoilers actually cause: “How important are spoilers, anyway? I wonder that, sometimes. There are plenty of stories that rely on a shock last minute reveal for a certain amount of drama and tension, of course, but that is rarely the only value of a story; there has to be something more to it, surely, otherwise the story can only be read once, because any re-reads would be pointless in light of you knowing the big secret. While knowing a spoiler ahead of time can rob the story of one kind of appeal, shouldn’t good stories have more to offer, and therefore have a different-yet-equal appeal even if you know the ending ahead of time…?” (“How Bad Are Spoilers, Anyway?” Newsarama, May 13, 2013). So spoilers are only really damaging if the story doesn’t have any consistency or any real depth that would incite a reader to come back to it.