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The size of the universe

In this interview with Mark Waid, he talks about the Daredevil universe: “In some ways he was a poor man’s Spider-Man in that they were trying to emulate the same sort of soap opera, but the problem that you have with Matt Murdock was that first off, the supporting cast was much smaller. Spidey had a huge supporting cast, and Matt had Foggy and his secretary Karen and that’s it.” (“Mark Waid: A Banner Year Part One,” December 18, 2012,

A smaller universe can curb dramatic potential by keeping the dynamics between characters static.  We feel that most readers can absorb a richer universe: many TV series and movies have very large casts of characters:  for instance, The Lord of the Rings, etc. The search tool on our website includes over 40 main and secondary characters, which gives us the latitude Waid alluded to.
