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The Inner Voice of the Characters

When we launched the project, we soon came face to face with the issue of dialogue: how to prevent the conversations between characters from all sounding alike. We decided to consult books on writing. They covered the issue of dialogue but in a disappointing way, advising writers to develop the characters’ inner voice. Gee, thanks, we couldn’t have thought of that on our own! This led us to set the question aside. We agreed that strong characters, with well-defined identities would act (words and gestures) more consistently. But how do you go about creating these strong characters? Our solution was to talk it over with friends and to find answers to some basic questions: Why is the character acting this way? Is it because of recent events or much earlier events? How did the earlier occurrences influence those that followed? And quickly, a sketch of the character begins to appear, and he or she takes shape.