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Hawkeye by Matt Fraction and David Aja

Andrew Wheeler shines a light on how the Hawkeye series, developed by Matt Fraction and David Aja, has an almost one-of-a-kind positioning: “Fraction paced and framed his story as the everyday adventures of a blue collar man.” (“‘Black Widow’ #1 and the Hawkeyzation of Marvel Solo Titles”,, January 10, 2014). Kat Ward agrees with this view, stating that the series “examined what the Avenger got up to when he was off world-saving duty.” (“Meet Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue DeConnick, The First Couple of Comics,”, 14 January, 2015). What’s interesting in this series is how the scale of conflict is much smaller: for instance, saving a single building from the avarice of real-estate developers. The bad guys often don’t have superpowers. This universe is peopled with ordinary folks and their everyday problems. Fraction resisted the temptation to raise the stakes by creating outsized issues. And despite the commonplace events, the story remains rich, dense with complex relationships. It’s a dazzling and it’s daring.
